Featured Listings

- [% card.BedroomsTotal %] bedrooms
- [% card.BathroomsFull %] bathrooms
- [% card.BuildingAreaTotal %] sq.f
- [% card.City %]
- [% card.listing.BedroomsTotal %] bedrooms
- [% card.listing.BathroomsFull %] bathrooms
- [% card.listing.BuildingAreaTotal %] sq.f
- [% card.listing.City %]
$[% card.ListPrice %]
[% card.PropertyType %]
[% card.PropertySubType %]
$[% card.listing.ListPrice %]
[% card.listing.PropertyType %]
[% card.listing.PropertySubType %]

- [% card.BedroomsTotal %] bedrooms
- [% card.BathroomsFull %] bathrooms
- [% card.BuildingAreaTotal %] sq.f
- [% card.City %]
- [% card.listing.BedroomsTotal %] bedrooms
- [% card.listing.BathroomsFull %] bathrooms
- [% card.listing.BuildingAreaTotal %] sq.f
- [% card.listing.City %]
$[% card.ListPrice %]
[% card.PropertyType %]
[% card.PropertySubType %]
$[% card.listing.ListPrice %]
[% card.listing.PropertyType %]
[% card.listing.PropertySubType %]

About us
Vera Realty, a licensed real estate brokerage company, was founded in 2012, and now is one of the leaders in its industry.
Vera Realty's Team has been working successfully in the real estate market for many years, having gained vast experience and professionalism. Among our partners are the most reliable financial organization in the United States. With love for our clients, agents and partners.
About the company